Ads Network for AI Apps

Source hot leads from AI apps

Run contextual ads on AI-generated content, reach 1.5 billion users engaging with generative AI apps. No low-quality leads thanks to transparent ad placement.

the new marketing era

Hit Your Leads Target With Gen AI Users

Choose from our growing network made of thousands of different AI apps and developers

Access an Exclusive Pool of Apps

Run contextual ads on 2500+ apps to reach your target audiences

Transparent Ad Placement

We give you the power to decide where you want to run your ads

Customised Analytics

Keep track of the metrics that matter the most to your business

Fuelling your MQL Target: A Case Study

Lucid Software MQLs from AHILAB

Results over a 4 weeks period from just 1 AI app, shows CTR and conversion rate higher than the industry standard.

17k Impressions

AHILAB has delivered more than 17k impressions in just 4 weeks from just 1 app (

15% CTR

With 2550+ clicks AHILAB CTR is higher than the single digit industry standard. In this case, the audience engaging with chartAI are all potential leads of Lucid Software

303 MQLs

12% of the traffic have signed up to Lucid and converted into Marketing Qualified Leads.

ahilab is a product of ex-meta and silicon valley engineers

The first developer-centric ads network

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Ads Network for AI Apps

Monetise your traffic with one line of code

AHILABâ„¢ offers developers a RESTful API to monetize from their GenAI apps with one line of code. Display useful ads to your users and have full control over your advertisers.

monetization as a service

Grow your user base

Ads monetization allows you to remove any frictions and let everyone use your apps for free.

Access a Network of Advertisers

We connect you with thousands of companies interested in promoting their products in your apps

Control Your Advertisers

We give you the power to decide which advertisers can promote in your apps

Earn Quickly and Monitor Performance

Integrate our API with one line of code and start earning from day one